Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Fallacies of Irrational Thinking essays

Fallacies of Irrational Thinking essays The Fallacies of Irrational Thinking is the topic of this paper. To understand this concept you must first know the definition of the term fallacy. Fallacy is defined as deception, an error in logic, or an often plausible argument using false or invalid inference. In this course we learned that there were eight fallacies: perfection, approval, should, overgeneralization, causation, helplessness, and catastrophic causation. In this paper I will attempt to explain each of them. The fallacy of perfection is when a person that thinks that everything must be perfect. It can be as innocent as someone who must keep their things neat and clean or as extreme as a person cleans constantly because they don't feel that anything is clean enough. In their eyes, everything must be flawless. A person with this fallacy may most commonly be known as a perfectionist. One of their setbacks is that they are some busy perfecting that they don't have time to do other things. The fallacy of approval is when a person that insures that they say and do is acceptable to others. They are people pleasers, willing to do anything to make everyone happy and often say what the listeners want to hear. They are sometimes known as two-faded because they are on everyone's side of an argument. Most often affected by this fallacy are adolescents because they thrive on peer approval. A downfall is that the individual is so consumed with pleasing other the it may be difficult for them to The fallacy of should is when a person confuses what they want with what should be. They never understand why things are not going their way. This fallacy, unlike most of the others, can sometimes be beneficial, in moderation, in careers fields such as law enforcement and politics. In these field, in general, what the individual want usually will benefit public. On the other in hand, an extreme fallacy of should can be disasterist. One such exampl ...

Saturday, November 23, 2019

The Best Way to Watch Whales from Shore on Cape Cod

The Best Way to Watch Whales from Shore on Cape Cod Thousands of people flock to Cape Cod each year to go whale watching. Most watch whales from boats, but in the spring, you can visit the Cape and watch whales from shore. The tip of Cape Cod is located only three miles from the southern end of the Stellwagen Bank National Marine Sanctuary, a prime feeding ground for whales. When the whales migrate north in the spring, the waters around Cape Cod are one of the first great feeding locations they encounter. Whale Species Common Off Cape Cod North Atlantic right whales, humpback, fin and minke whales may be seen off Cape Cod in the spring. Some stick around during the summer, too, although they may not always be close to shore. Other sightings in the area include Atlantic white-sided dolphins and occasionally other species such as pilot whales, common dolphins, harbor porpoise and Sei whales. Why Are They Here? Many whales migrate to breeding grounds further south or offshore during the winter. Depending on the species and location, the whales may fast this entire time. In the spring, these whales migrate north to feed, and Cape Cod Bay is one of the first major feeding areas they get to. The whales may stay in the area throughout the summer and fall or may migrate to more northern locations such as more northern areas of the Gulf of Maine, the Bay of Fundy, or off northeastern Canada. Whale Watching From Shore There are two locations close by from which you could watch whales, Race Point and Herring Cove. You will find humpbacks, fin whales, minkes and possibly even some right whales circling around the waters offshore.regardless of time of day whales are still visible and active. What To Bring If you go, make sure to bring binoculars and/or a camera with a long zoom lens (e.g., 100-300mm) as the whales are far enough offshore that it’s hard to pick out any details with the naked eye. One day we were lucky enough to spot one of the Gulf of Maines estimated 800 humpback whales with her calf, likely only a few months old. What To Look For When you go, the spouts are what you’ll look for. The spout, or â€Å"blow,† is the whale’s visible exhalation as it comes up to the surface to breathe. The spout may be 20’ high for a fin whale and look like columns or puffs of white over the water. If you’re lucky, you might also see surface activity such as kick-feeding (when the whale smacks its tail against the water in a feeding maneuver) or even the sight of a humpback’s open mouth as it lunges up through the water. When Where To Go Get to the Provincetown, MA area using MA Route 6. Take Route 6 East past Provincetown Center and youll see signs for Herring Cove, and then Race Point Beach. April is a good month to try your luck - you can also check out the near real-time right whale detection map to get an idea of how active the waters are when you visit. If there are lots of right whales around, you might see them and likely some other species, too. Other Ways to Watch Whales On Cape Cod If you want the chance to get closer to the whales and learn more about their natural history, you can try a whale watch.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Knife crime in the uk Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Knife crime in the uk - Essay Example When one compares the crime statistics of UK with that of the world statistics, it can be seen that the country constitute a meager portion of similar killings but it is considered as a national crisis. Reports state that there was an increase from 12 killings in 2006 to 37 killings nationally in 2007 in which the victim and assassin were under 18, clears the doubts related to the alarming problem of knife crimes, especially among the teenaged. A government Bill which is currently in the House of Lords features Legislature to prohibit the sale of knife or other sharp instrument to those who are under 18. Here, Mick Hume points out: "Total murders in London were down in 2007 for the fifth year in succession, from 222 in 2003 to 160 last year. Within those figures, the numbers of teenagers killed did rise - by 'over 50 per cent' as some reports put it. In hard numbers, however, that was an increase from 17 deaths to 26." (Hume 2008). When the total rate of crimes in London shows a decr easing tendency, the numbers of teenagers killed is at an increasing rate. In older days, holding a knife for self defence was not considered as a serious offence. But now the situation is becoming more and more complicated and laws in countries worldwide limits the rights of citizens. When a teenager commits a crime by using a knife, there are some limitations to the hard laws. The punishment is decided according to the seriousness, circumstance, seriousness of the injury, etc of the person who committed the crime. So, illegal carriage of knife will result in imprisonment up to 2 years. There are Borstal schools and Juvenile homes for the teenagers who had committed the crime. Here, W. J. Forsythe points out that, decision to construct these sorts of schools and houses for the teenage criminals is to transform their character. As Forsythe states, "They had come into being as a result of assumptions that young offenders were contaminated by prolonged contact with older prisoners, that they lost their dread of prison if sent there at an early age for length y periods and that, because of youthful plasticity of personality and susceptibility to environmental influence, they would respond to a regime of training and education." (Forsythe 1990, p. 45). At these schools and homes, the teenagers are provided with training and education for their future life. The punishment is for the crime committed, not against the person. The psychological and mental torture suffered by the person who committed the crime must be considered. Rod Morgan and Malcolm D. Evans observe: "This view implicitly underpins the suggestion that torture is almost universally proscribed and deprecated and is engaged in only by aberrant individuals or regimes, mostly in far-away places: that is, a phenomenon that need not much concern us in Europe." (Morgan and Evans 1998, p. x). By generalizing the problem of torturing the teenaged criminals, the right as a human being is limited. Moreover, violence is considered as an important topic in British law and the punishment i s decided according to the seriousness of the crime committed. According to J. Carter Wood, the study of the history of crime states that extend of crime had risen or declined according to social change: "Violence has become a distinct topic in English historiography through the histories of crime, the

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Fallacious Arguments Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Fallacious Arguments - Assignment Example Further, when we discover a fallacy in an argument, it does not imply the conclusion is false; instead, it means that the argument does not efficiently establish its conclusion. I therefore would have to construct arguments that display distinct fallacies. Red Herring fallacies— Appeal to Emotion. Rather than providing reasons, this type of argument only incorporates meaningful language for aggravating empathy or resentment towards a specific assertion. Consider: You should not oppose Mitt Romney. It is Unrepublican. This isn’t excellent argument but absolute rhetoric. For this case, the argument rests upon the premise that you cannot be a loyalist if you do not agree with everything Romney says. Fallacy of Causation. This is the fallacy of inferring that A caused B, from the premise that and A and B are interrelated. Consider: Our study finds obese people are avid readers of books on nutrition and weight loss. Therefore, a book on nutrition and weightless influences someone’s decision to be obese. For this case, the conclusion doesn’t follow from the premise, because it is probable that the connection here is unintended. Alternative, it may be that reading a book on nutrition and weight loss should assist you reduce the excess calories instead of the way round. The fallacy of Division. This is the fallacy of deducing that the parts of A must have a certain aspect, from the premise that A as whole has an aspect. Consider: Rick Santorum prematurely terminated his campaign. And that means his personal advisor is responsible for premature suspension of the campaign. Just because Santorum suspended his campaign doesn’t mean that his advisor made the decision to terminate his campaign prematurely. It is even possible that his advisor advised him against early campaign

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Contributions of Modern Technology by David Ingram Essay Example for Free

Contributions of Modern Technology by David Ingram Essay Modern technology has given small businesses an unprecedented ability to communicate with their target markets, causing a dramatic evolution in the way marketers craft advertising strategies. Unlike the shotgun-scatter technique of yesterdays mass media outlets, new advertising channels created by cutting edge technology allow companies to target small groups and individuals with personalized advertising messages, while collecting feedback and measuring responses on the fly. Research Tools Modern technology greatly enhances advertisers ability to perform market research and testing when developing ads. Extensive collections of consumer data can be obtained online, and the results of feedback and opinions can be analyzed instantly with computers. Virtual focus groups can bring together people on opposite sides of the world to view and provide feedback on advertisements, and opinion leaders can be engaged via online surveys that expose the viewer to a proposed ad while soliciting feedback. Development tools for internet advertisements has have improved dramatically over the past 20 years. While the static, logo-driven banner ads of the 1990s were effective themselves, todays ads feature video, animation and even viewer interactivity. Development Tools Modern technology allows advertisers to create more effective and impressive ads for television, print, radio and the Web. Modern video editing equipment can be used to create ads with a â€Å"wow factor†something that catches viewers attention and keeps them glued to the screen. Enhancements in computer animation allow advertisers to create lifelike settings, characters and action that could never be achieved only 40 years ago. Special effects also allows ads to fully leverage the marketing appeal of popular movies and television shows, making the obvious product appeal the only thing that differentiates the ad from the movie or show. With a range of powerful tools at their disposal, advertisers can create visual messages that appeal more personally to specific consumer groups. Social Networks Social networks are proving to be an invaluable resource for small businesses and bootstrap marketers. Social networks, besides allowing advertisers to engage consumers in research and testing, they also offer a powerful and free distribution system. Distributing interesting, memorable ads via a social network can set off a chain reaction in which individual viewers spread the advertising message in a personal way, to millions of viewers, at no cost to the advertiser. Internet Advertising The Internet has wrought havoc on the effectiveness of traditional advertising outlets while simultaneously creating interesting new avenues for marketers to reach consumers. Internet banner ads can be strategically placed on websites that target specific consumer groups much more effectively than mass media. Television-style ads can be placed on Internet videos, such as news clips. Free web-based games can be developed to provide an interactive experience while exposing players to advertising messages. Ads, combined with promotions, can be sent to individuals via email campaigns. Endorsements Paid endorsements of sports celebrities and events have become exponentially more effective due to the reach of radio, television and the Internet. Endorsements that traditionally exposed several hundred spectators to an advertising message can reach millions through national broadcasts and Internet exposure.

Friday, November 15, 2019

Salmon Rushdie :: essays papers

Salmon Rushdie In a world that is ready to criticize the slightest fault, or impropriety of a person's character, or way of thinking, authors, such as Salmon Rushdie, are continually under fire. In his writings, Rushdie takes the aspects of typical every day life and satirizes them in a way that enables his readers to realize how nonsensical they may be. Through centuries of diverse writing and literary changes, one thing remains the same: writers, no matter who they are, or what their standing in society is, will be criticized. Salmon Rushdie, although a modern writer, is faced with much criticism that earlier writers also faced. In June of 1947, in Bombay, India, a child was born. A child who would grow up to become one of the most outspoken and radical writers of this modern era. Born in a time of political unrest (DISCovering), and a newly found freedom for India from British rule, Rushdie would grow not to find freedom through his writings, but a deep rooted criticism. Educated at The Cathedral Boys' School, and then Cambridge, Rushdie had a refined learning experience. When Rushdie started his career in writing he was unable to support himself and therefore held jobs such as acting and copyrighting until he was able to himself support as a writer. Rushdie's first published book, Grimus, tells the story of an American Indian who receives the gift of immortality and begins an odessy to find the meaning of life. Initially this work attracted the attention of the science fiction readers(DISCovering). The books genre is very often disagreed upon by critics, and has been called a fable, fantasy, political satire, and magical realism(DISCovering). Being "an ambitious, strikingly confident first work(DISCovering)," Rushdie was able to establish himself in the literary world as a writer. In his second book, Rushdie turned back to his homeland to find the subject that he wished to write about. Midnight's Children chronicles the recent history of India, beginning in 1947 when the country became free from British rule(DISCovering). In this allegorical work, Rushdie uses the characters to represent hopes as well as the frustrating realities of India's newly found freedom. Shame is Rushdie's third book. In this work he presents an astonishing account of events in an unnamed country that strongly resembles Pakistan. The major theme in this work is shame verses honor. The Satanic Verses is probably Rushdie's most popular and most controversial work. In this ambiguous work, Rushdie explores the themes relating to good and evil, religious faith and fanaticism, illusion verses reality, and the plight of Indians who have relocated to Great Britain.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Children Should Be Placed with Adoptive Parents

This report will be discussing the views on parent adopting children of difference races and colour. It will also be explaining the word used to describe for parents adopting children of different race and colour. Additionally, the report will also mention the history and meaning of ‘trans-racial adoption’ and the arguments that surround this topic. The terminology used for parent to adopt a child of another race or colour is trans-racial adoption (TRA) or inter-racial adoption.The meaning of TRA is to place a child from a race or ethnic group with adoptive parents of another race or ethnic group. The question within society has been arisen whether children should always be placed in a home where the parents are from the same race or colour, which is where issues of whether TRA is practical in the long run. The most heated controversy throughout the history of TRA, has been to do with black children being adopted by white adoptive parents.Andrew Morrison states from his 2004 Journal â€Å"Trans-racial Adoption: The Pros and Cons and the Parents’ Perspective† that black families rarely adopt white children as there are considerably more white parents who are generally looking to adopt. Up to 40% of children who are up for adoption are black, and social workers often refuse to accept the idea of black parents adopting white children In the public record, the first publicly recorded documentation in the United States that white parents adopted a Black child shows that such an adoption took place in 1948, in Minneapolis, Minnesota.Until the 1950s, TRA was almost unheard-of; the prevailing policy and practice of adoption agencies discouraged such adoptions. The justification for these policies and practices was the prevailing belief that race matching would increase the chances of a good parent child relationship. Although TRA of Native American children had occurred frequently over the past century, formal placement of Native American chi ldren with white parents was particularly prevalent in the late 1950s (Andrew Morrison, 2004)

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Anti Terrorism

Philosophical arguments Retribution Supporters of the death penalty argued that death penalty is morally justified when applied in murder especially with aggravating elements such as multiple homicide, child murder, torture murder and mass killing such as [terrorism], massacre, or genocide. Some even argue that not applying death penalty in latter cases is patently unjust. This argument is strongly defended by New York law professor Robert Blecker [4], who says that the punishment must be painful in proportion to the crime.It would be unfair that those who have committed these horrible crimes stay alive, even incarcerated. Abolitionists argue that retribution is simply revenge and cannot be condoned. Others while accepting retribution as an element of criminal justice nonetheless argue that life without parole is a sufficient substitute. Human rights Abolitionists believe capital punishment is the worst violation of human rights, because the right to life is the most important, and j udicial execution violates it without necessity and inflicts to the condemned a psychological torture.Albert Camus wrote in a 1956 book called â€Å"Reflections on the Guillotine, Resistance, Rebellion & Death†: An execution is not simply death. It is just as different from the privation of life as a concentration camp is from prison. [†¦ ] For there to be an equivalency, the death penalty would have to punish a criminal who had warned his victim of the date at which he would inflict a horrible death on him and who, from that moment onward, had confined him at his mercy for months. Such a monster is not encountered in private life. 5] This view contradicts classic natural rights doctrine, which stresses that the right to life can be forfeited by grave misbehavior. [3] Practical arguments Wrongful execution Main article: Wrongful execution Capital punishment is often opposed on the grounds that innocent people will inevitably be executed. Supporters of capital punishment object that these lives have to be weighed against the far more numerous innocent people whose lives can be saved if the murderers are deterred by the prospect of being executed. [6] Between 1973 and 2005, 123 people in 25 states were released from death row when new evidence of their innocence emerged. 7] However, statistics likely understate the actual problem of wrongful convictions because once an execution has occurred there is often insufficient motivation and finance to keep a case open, and it becomes unlikely at that point that the miscarriage of justice will ever be exposed. Another issue is the quality of the defense in a case where the accused has a public defender. The competence of the defense attorney â€Å"is a better predictor of whether or not someone will be sentenced to death than the facts of the crime†. 8] Also, improper procedure may result in unfair executions. For example, Amnesty International argues that, in Singapore, â€Å"the Misuse of Drugs Act contains a series of presumptions which shift the burden of proof from the prosecution to the accused. This conflicts with the universally guaranteed right to be presumed innocent until proven guilty†. [9] This refers to a situation when someone is being caught with drugs. In this situation, in almost any jurisdiction, the prosecution has a prima facie case. Racial and gender factors in the United StatesAfrican Americans, though they currently make up only 12 percent of the general population, have made up 41 percent of death row inmates and 34 percent of those actually executed since 1976. [10] According to Craig Rice, a black member of the Maryland state legislature: â€Å"The question is, are more people of color on death row because the system puts them there or are they committing more crimes because of unequal access to education and opportunity? The way I was raised, it was always to be held accountable for your actions. â€Å"[11] As of 2010, women account for only 1. % (55 people) of inmates on death row, with men accounting for the other 98. 3% (3206). Since 1976, only 1. 0% (12) of those executed were women. [12] Deterrence The existence of a deterrence effect is disputed. Studies-especially older ones-differ as to whether executions deter other potential criminals from committing murder or other crimes. One reason that there is no general consensus on whether or not the death penalty is a deterrent is that it is used so rarely – only about one out of every 300 murders actually results in an execution. In 2005 in the Stanford Law Review, John J.Donohue III, a law professor at Yale with a doctorate in economics, and Justin Wolfers, an economist at the University of Pennsylvania, wrote that the death penalty â€Å"†¦ is applied so rarely that the number of homicides it can plausibly have caused or deterred cannot reliably be disentangled from the large year-to-year changes in the homicide rate caused by other factors†¦ The e xisting evidence for deterrence†¦ is surprisingly fragile. † Wolfers stated, â€Å"If I was allowed 1,000 executions and 1,000 exonerations, and I was allowed to do it in a random, focused way, I could probably give you an answer. [13] Naci Mocan, an economist at Louisiana State University, authored a study that looked at all 3,054 U. S. counties over two decades, and concluded that each execution saved five lives. Mocan stated, â€Å"I personally am opposed to the death penalty†¦ But my research shows that there is a deterrent effect. â€Å"[13] Joanna M. Shepherd, a law professor at Emory with a doctorate in economics who was involved in several studies on the death penalty, stated, â€Å"I am definitely against the death penalty on lots of different grounds†¦But I do believe that people respond to incentives. † Shepherd found that the death penalty had a deterrent effect only in those states that executed at least nine people between 1977 and 1996. In the Michigan Law Review in 2005, Shepherd wrote, â€Å"Deterrence cannot be achieved with a half-hearted execution program. â€Å"[13] The question of whether or not the death penalty deters murder usually revolves around the statistical analysis. Studies have produced disputed results with disputed significance. 14] Some studies have shown a positive correlation between the death penalty and murder rates[15] – in other words, they show that where the death penalty applies, murder rates are also high. This correlation can be interpreted in either that the death penalty increases murder rates by brutalizing society, or that higher murder rates cause the state to retain or reintroduce the death penalty. However, supporters and opponents of the various statistical studies, on both sides of the issue, argue that correlation does not imply causation.The case for a large deterrent effect of capital punishment has been significantly strengthened since the 1990s, as a wave of so phisticated econometric studies have exploited a newly-available form of data, so-called panel data. [6] Most of the recent studies demonstrate statistically a deterrent effect of the death penalty. [16] However, critics claim severe methodological flaws in these studies and hold that the empirical data offer no basis for sound statistical conclusions about the deterrent effect. 17] Surveys and polls conducted in the last 15 years show that some police chiefs and others involved in law enforcement may not believe that the death penalty has any deterrent effect on individuals who commit violent crimes. In a 1995 poll of randomly selected police chiefs from across the U. S. , the officers rank the death penalty last as a way of deterring or preventing violent crimes. They ranked it behind many other forms of crime control including reducing drug abuse and use, lowering technical barriers when prosecuting, putting more officers on the streets,and making prison sentences longer.They res ponded that a better economy with more jobs would lessen crime rates more than the death penalty[18] In fact, only one percent of the police chiefs surveyed thought that the death penalty was the primary focus for reducing crime. [19] However, the police chiefs surveyed were more likely to favor capital punishment than the general population. In addition to statistical evidence, psychological studies examine whether murderers think about the consequences of their actions before they commit a crime.Most homicides are spur-of-the-moment, spontaneous, emotionally impulsive acts. Murderers do not weigh their options very carefully in this type of setting (Jackson 27). It is very doubtful that killers give much thought to punishment before they kill (Ross 41). But some say the death penalty must be enforced even if the deterrent effect is unclear, like John McAdams, who teaches political science at Marquette University : â€Å"If we execute murderers and there is in fact no deterrent ef fect, we have killed a bunch of murderers.If we fail to execute murderers, and doing so would in fact have deterred other murders, we have allowed the killing of a bunch of innocent victims. I would much rather risk the former. This, to me, is not a tough call. â€Å"[20] This may be construed as contradicting the traditional legal view of Blackstone and the 12th Century legal scholar Maimonides whose oft-cited maxim is: â€Å"It is better and more satisfactory to acquit a thousand guilty persons than to put a single innocent one to death. Maimonides argued that executing a defendant on anything less than absolute certainty would lead to a slippery slope of decreasing burdens of proof, until we would be convicting merely â€Å"according to the judge's caprice. † Caprice of various sorts are more visible now with DNA testing, and digital computer searches and discovery requirements opening DA's files. Maimonides' concern was maintaining popular respect for law, and he saw er rors of commission as much more threatening than errors of omission. [21] Cass R.Sunstein and Adrian Vermeule, both of Harvard law school, however, have argued that if there is a deterrent effect it will save innocent lives, which gives a life-life tradeoff. â€Å"The familiar problems with capital punishment—potential error, irreversibility, arbitrariness, and racial skew—do not argue in favor of abolition, because the world of homicide suffers from those same problems in even more acute form. † They conclude that â€Å"a serious commitment to the sanctity of human life may well compel, rather than forbid, that form of punishment. â€Å"[6] Use of the death penalty on plea bargainSupporters of the death penalty, especially those who do not believe in the deterrent effect of the death penalty, say the threat of the death penalty could be used to urge capital defendants to plead guilty, testify against accomplices, or disclose the location of the victim's body. Norman Frink, a senior deputy district attorney in the state of Oregon, considers capital punishment a valuable tool for prosecutors. The threat of death leads defendants to enter plea deals for life without parole or life with a minimum of 30 years—-the two other penalties, besides death, that Oregon allows for aggravated murder. 22] In a plea agreement reached with Washington state prosecutors, Gary Ridgway, a Seattle-area man who admitted to 48 murders since 1982 accepted a sentence of life in prison without parole. Prosecutors spared Ridgway from execution in exchange for his cooperation in leading police to the remains of still-missing victims. [23][24][25] Cost Recent studies show that executing a criminal costs more than life imprisonment does. Many states have found it cheaper to sentence criminals to life in prison than to go through the time-consuming and bureaucratic process of executing a convicted criminal.Donald McCartin, an Orange County, California Jurist fam ous for sending nine men to death row during his career, has said, â€Å"It's 10 times more expensive to kill [criminals] than to keep them alive. † [26] This exclamation is actually low according to a June 2011 study by former death penalty prosecutor and federal judge Arthur L. Alarcon, and law professor Paula Mitchell. According to Alarcon and Mitchell, California has spent $4 billion on the death penalty since 1978, and death penalty trials are 20 times more expensive than trials seeking a sentence of life in prison without possibility of parole. 27] Death penalty proponents disagree, saying the study claiming the costs of the death penalty outweigh implementing life without parole is prepared by an anti-death penalty. [28] When califonians voters voted in 2012 about proposition 34, which aimed to abolish the death penalty, the cost was the main argument of proponents of the proposition in theirs TV ads, and was also written on the ballot. The argument may have convinced some death penalty supporters, but the proposition was rejeted with 53% of the vote against it

Friday, November 8, 2019

Popcorn Lab Essays

Popcorn Lab Essays Popcorn Lab Paper Popcorn Lab Paper A indicate that the average density of a sample of 10 kernels is 2. 3 g/ml which is according to industry standard classified a ready for sale. However the sample size of 10 kernels is well below the size sample in the popcorn industry, and is considered to be only valid for a small batch of popcorn. This is due to the fact that the sample densities were close except for one trial #2 which had a density that was about 0. 4 lower than the other samples. The errors could have been the time for wince rater ten samples winner measures wince would nave change a ten results Another error could have been incorrect measurement of volume and/or mass and that would have significantly affected the results. Part B Measurement of Kernel Damage: The outcome of part B indicates that out of the 10-15 g sample of 35 kernels that none have been damaged revealing a 0% kernels damaged. This result could have been flawed in many ways one which is the iodine solution could have not fully covered the kernels which would leave some kernels as undamaged due to improper procedure. Another error could be that due to the number of kernels the iodine solution was left with too much to handle and did not fully uncover the kernels, deeming the experiment as flawed. Part C Kernel Water Loss: The calculations of part C indicate that the average % of water lost is 5. 8% and this indicates that these popcorn kernels are below proper popping standard and would robbery be deemed as low market value popcorn. These results could be due to the fact that the popcorn water content has decreased due to evaporation of the water when it was left for x amount of time before the experiment was conducted. Another error could be that the kernels were either put on too much heat or too little which in hand would change the water content, an example would be if it was put on low heat before measure and then put to high heat after measure which could cause burning to change the % water lost.

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

The Bowen Reaction Series in Geology

The Bowen Reaction Series in Geology The Bowen reaction series is a description of how magmas minerals change  as they cool. The petrologist Norman Bowen (1887-1956) carried out decades of melting experiments in the early 1900s in support of his theory of granite. He found that as a basaltic melt slowly cooled, minerals formed crystals in a definite order. Bowen worked out two sets of these, which he named the discontinuous and continuous series in his 1922 paper The Reaction Principle in Petrogenesis. The Bowen's Reaction Series The discontinuous series starts with olivine, then pyroxene, amphibole, and biotite. What makes this a reaction series rather than an ordinary series is that each mineral in the series is replaced by the next one as the melt cools. As Bowen put it, The disappearance of minerals in the order in which they appear ... is of the very essence of the reaction series. Olivine forms crystals, then it reacts with the rest of the magma as pyroxene forms at its expense. At a certain point, all the olivine is resorbed, and only pyroxene exists. Then pyroxene reacts with the liquid as amphibole crystals replace it, and then biotite replaces amphibole. The continuous series is plagioclase feldspar. At high temperatures, the high-calcium variety anorthite forms. Then as temperatures fall it is replaced by more sodium-rich varieties: bytownite, labradorite, andesine, oligoclase, and albite. As the temperature continues to fall, these two series merge, and more minerals crystallize in this order: Alkali feldspar, muscovite, and quartz. A minor reaction series involves the spinel group of minerals: chromite, magnetite, ilmenite, and titanite. Bowen placed them between the two main series. Other Portions of the Series The complete series is not found in nature, but many igneous rocks display portions of the series. The main limitations are the state of the liquid, the speed of cooling and the tendency of mineral crystals to settle under gravity: If the liquid runs out of an element needed for a particular mineral, the series with that mineral gets interrupted.If the magma cools faster than the reaction can proceed, early minerals can persist in partly resorbed form. That changes the evolution of the magma.If crystals can rise or sink, they stop reacting with the liquid and pile up somewhere else. All of these factors affect the course of a magmas evolution- its differentiation. Bowen was confident that he could start with basalt magma, the most common type, and build any magma from the right combination of the three. But mechanisms that he discounted- magma mixing, assimilation of country rock and remelting of crustal rocks- not to mention the whole system of plate tectonics he did not foresee, are much more important than he thought. Today we know that not even the largest bodies of basaltic magma sit still long enough differentiate all the way to granite.

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Water Balance. Sediment Yield Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Water Balance. Sediment Yield - Essay Example usual concepts employed to study landscape morphology do not essentially hold for dry land environments, where extreme proceedings are responsible for most erosion and sediment transport. The finest descriptions are from areas of vertical soils in the waterway Country of inland Australia, where they arise widely. They have also been explained on 'tabra' soils in the Sudan. What these areas have in common is the establishment of the soil outside into hummocky landscape. In the Australian examples this is due to gilgai, in the Sudanese example to differential compaction of the soil on climate 0 channel links can be developed per square kilometre. The hummocky surface makes flow to focus close by in lower areas where its greater depth causes it to be faster and livelier. This deliberation of flow causes waterways to form linking the depressions. Other features contributing to conduits formation are that slumps are more often covered than mounds, and as a consequence the floodplain there is often more cracked and eroded. It would seem as purely phenomena for land area or at least similar channels haven't yet been explained from other surroundings. Amongst other things, a lack of foliage seems essential to enable over bank flow to cut conduits where it wouldn't otherwise have enough energy. What is their protection possibility They have not been depicted in the rock record. The gilgai they are connected with has often been illustrated; however it is likely that the reticulate channels would be very difficult to spot. Firstly they are shaped in and transport sediment typically identical in composition to the mass of the floodplain sediment, thus leave-taking no textural signature of their presence. Secondly, the changes in soil formation which cause their formation would also tend to obliterate any signatures of their presence. In the last three decades of the 20th century a file on pending sediment yield (SSY) and it's controlling factors, which have information for 4140 river basins of the Earth, was created by geomorphologies of Kazan State University (Russia). Features shaping the values of SSY are overflow, river basin area, relief height, rock and soil opus, the thickness and structure of vegetable cover and degree of anthropogenic especially agricultural mastering of basin natural landscapes. According to N.I. Makkaveev (1955) and many other researchers, the study of river sediment yield is the most ambitious and precise method of judgment of erosion intensity. The specific suspended sediment yield (t km-2 year-1) and degree of anthropogenic mastering of river basin landscapes in various height regions of the Earth Dominating tendency Hemispheres of the Earth northern southern Rising 34.02 ( 34.7) 24.94 ( 72.0) Descending 26.83 ( 27.4) 1.69 ( 4.9) Relatively permanent 21.30 ( 21.8) 5.42 ( 15.6) No data area 15.79 ( 16.1) 2.60 ( 7.5) Total area 97.97 (100.0) 34.65 (100.0) The areas (106 km2) with different dominating tendencies of erosion intensity and suspended sediment yield changes in hemispheres of the Earth during the second half of the 20th century There is also an ordinance which is made to the following purposes: The hazard areas of North Augusta are subject to episodic flood which consequences in loss of life and property, health and safety hazards, disruption of commerce and governmental services, unusual public expenditures for flood fortification and relief, and injury of the tax base, all of which

Friday, November 1, 2019

Effects of Platelet-rich Plasma Injections Thesis

Effects of Platelet-rich Plasma Injections - Thesis Example History of Injury Most of the patients had missed at least one game or practice within the last year due to an elbow injury (93.8%) with only one individual making all their games and practices (Table 2). In addition the majority of patients reported diagnosis of a UCL injury, although four (25%) had been given no diagnosis. The diagnoses included tear to the UCL (83.3%), partial UCL tear (8.3%), stress fracture (8.3%) and torn flexor tendon (25%). Many individuals were diagnosed with multiple types of injuries; hence the percentages indicate what percentage of diagnosed patients had a particular type of injury. Treatments that had been taken for the injury varied across rest, therapy, steroid injection, PRP or surgery. All patients had been given PRP injections, as this was a criterion for inclusion in the study. In addition, each patient had used at least one other method, with one patient using all five types, and eight patients (50%) using all but steroid injection as a method of treatment. Rest and therapy were the most popular treatments aside from PRP, with 14 patients (87.5%) using rest as a method of treatment, and 15 (93.7%) reporting use of therapy. Surgery was also popular, with ten patients (62.5%) reporting using surgery as a treatment for their UCL injury. Most patients had a single PRP injection, with only one patient having two and one having three. Time from the PRP injection to first picking up a baseball to throw ranged from two weeks to 16, with an average of 7.3 weeks. Patients were asked to give level of pain on a scale of 0-10 both before the PRP injection and the first time they picked up the baseball to pitch following the injection. The average score before the injection was 3.6, while afterwards it was 6.6. A total of 11 patients (68.8%) reported decrease in pain between before the PRP injection, and the first time they picked up the ball afterwards, four (25%) reported an increase in pain, while one did not give a pain level for after PRP injection. The result for the individual that did not give a pain level can be disregarded for this calculation, making the total proportion of patients that reported a decrease in pain to be 73.3%, and the proportion that reported an increase in pain to be 26.7%. There was some correlat ion between level of pain and weeks recovery time, but not in all cases (Figure 1). Figure 1: This graph shows the level of reported pain per patient compared with the number of weeks of recovery before they picked up the ball to pitch. Reported complications were relatively low, with only three patients (18.8%) reporting a long term increase in pain following the treatment, one (6.25%) reporting tingling or numbness, one (6.25%) reporting increased pressure and tightness, and four (25%) reporting decreased mobility in their elbow. Satisfaction with the PRP treatment was given on a scale of 0 to ten, with an average of 6.8. However, the average does not give the true picture, as responses were dichotomous, with most patients being either highly happy